Exhibitors & Products

Hannover. Hydrogen + Fuel Cells NORTH AMERICA is back for another season. The show premiered successfully last September in Las Vegas alongside Solar Power International (SPI) and will be co-staged with SPI again this year. Hydrogen + Fuel Cells NORTH AMERICA 2018 will be held from 24 to 27 September at the Convention Center in Anaheim, California. This year's show will be run in partnership with the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) and the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP).

California has a long history with renewable energy and is one of the biggest proponents of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the USA. "Used in combination, solar and hydrogen provide a zero-emission fuel for all energy applications," said Jeff Serfass, Executive Director CHBC. "That's why CHBC is happy to support this fantastic solar energy show in California and will be using it to raise awareness of hydrogen energy solutions."

" Hydrogen + Fuel Cells NORTH AMERICA connects innovations from HANNOVER MESSE with North America's biggest market for hydrogen technology and fuel cell vehicles," said Bill Elrick, Executive Director CaFCP. "We are delighted to be part of this event and will be inviting all attendees to test drive an electric vehicle."

Deutsche Messe, the organizer of Hydrogen + Fuel Cells NORTH AMERICA, anticipates that with the backing of these two leading US industry associations, the show will double its exhibitor count to 60.

Hydrogen + Fuel Cells NORTH AMERICA is a showcase for hydrogen production, storage and transport technologies, fuel cell systems for stationary, automotive and mobile applications, specialist markets, system components and subcontracting solutions. If comprises exhibition areas, where companies and leading industry representative can present their products and solutions, and discussion forums for quality dialogue and debate.

SPI 2018 is expected to attract 700 exhibitors and 20,000 attendees from the solar and allied industries. SPI will be staged in parallel with Energy Storage International (ESI). Featuring 160 exhibitors, ESI is North America's leading trade show for energy storage technology.