Exhibitors & Products

The founders of Toposens GmbH earned the name Bavarian Batmen after presenting the prototype of their 3D sensor at the beginning of 2016. This was followed by numerous awards, including second place at the Startup World Awards for the category Industrial Automation. Now this Munich-based company is bringing its 3D ultrasound sensor to HANNOVER MESSE. The sensor uses echolocation, just like a bat, to send an ultrasound signal and detect distances to and from objects. The sensor evaluates the signals in real time and puts them together to form a complete 3D view. The application areas for these little bats are diverse and can be used for gesture control, to track people, and to detect objects. Toposens has developed an Evaluation Kit which it is presenting at the Bavarian group pavilion in Hall 2 (Stand A52) to introduce interested businesses and developers to this technology.

At Research & Technology , Bavaria is showcasing an innovative cross-section of its commercial and research landscape. With the slogan "Exhibiting Together", Bayern Innovativ GmbH pursues its goal of accelerating the transfer of technology between business and science, as well as demonstrating its presence and attracting new partners and customers.

The startup Dynamic Components is also among the Bavarian exhibitors in Hall 2. This new company which emerged out of the Entrepreneurial University of Munich (TUM) develops and sells hardware and software to optimize automation systems and manufacturing processes by capturing, integrating and utilizing sensor and machine data. The technology is based on CHROMOSOME and was created in cooperation with industrial partners in the fields of Industrie 4.0 / IIoT, self-configuring sensor networks and ICT for electromobility. Dynamic Components works with fortiss, a research and technology transfer institute for software-intensive systems affiliated with the TUM. The idea behind CHROMOSOME Industrial received the top prize at the startup competition "IKT Innovativ" held by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). In addition, Dynamic Components was included in the challengeUp! IoT accelerator program sponsored by Intel, Cisco and Deutsche Telekom.

MOZYS Engineering GmbH had its beginnings at the University of Würzburg. This startup develops intelligent sensors and measurement systems for continuous use in conditional and structural health monitoring. The innovations simplify entry into measurement applications and enable new application possibilities in the context of Industrie 4.0. The modular system architecture of MOZYS provides flexible customization, and full system integration ensures high reliability. "We thereby close the gap between single solutions and universal development platforms," says MOZYS.

Soley GmbH was founded as a spin-off company from the Institute for Product Development at TUM in 2013. The founders were excited by the idea of creating a fast and efficient way to deal with complex data sets in fields such as product development and management. Bergen Helms and Maximilian Kissel explored issues relating to modeling and analyzed complex technological systems together in the department of Mechanical Engineering. Together with two computer scientists – Alexander Golovatenko and Peter Grüner – they founded Soley with the goal of bringing to market intelligent data analytics software for integrated issues in industry. Soley now has an international team with around 20 employees.

Another institute exhibiting at the group pavilion is ZAE Bayern. As the leading institute in the field of applied energy research, ZAE provides its partners from industry and science with a broad spectrum of services ranging from metrological services and research and development activities to complete innovation packages. ZAE Bayern has over 200 employees at its locations in Würzburg, Garching, Erlangen, Nuremberg, and Hof.

The Technology Transfer Center VerTec at the Joint Institute of Advanced Materials and Processes (ZMP) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is one of the most important centers for additive manufacturing in Germany. Supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, researchers in Fürth develop technologies for so-called selective electron beam melting, a variation of 3D printing.

In order to take advantage of the enormous potential inherent in nanotechnology, the Cluster Nanotechnology was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the Bavarian government. Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH located in Würzburg is responsible for managing the cluster. At HANNOVER MESSE it aims to create networks between companies, research and academic institutes, industry associations, and other participants.

In Hannover, Heinz Soyer GmbH, headquartered in Wörthsee, is drawing attention as a representative of the “old economy”. With the new welding pistol it is displaying at the Bavaria stand, the company, which specializes in stud welding technology, won the 2016 Federal Prize for Innovation at the most recent craft fair in Munich.

These and other exhibitors will be introduced on April 26 at the “Bavaria Day” at Stand A52 and at another group pavilion from Bayern Innovativ in the Energy Hall 13 (Stand C18). The event will be opened by Ilse Aigner, Bavaria’s Minister of Economics at 11:00 a.m. in Hall 2.