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  • EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen to kick off conference
  • Event stats: 1,400 attendees, plus 40 presentations, panel discussions and workshops
  • Hannover, Germany. On 29 April, Deutsche Messe will be staging the WoMenPower careers conference for the 13th time alongside the world’s leading trade fair for industrial technology, HANNOVER MESSE. WoMenPower is a key networking and discussion platform for women interested in career issues, success strategies and innovative forms of work. With more than 1,400 attendees, the event is the most successful of its kind covering work-related themes and career issues for highly motivated women in Germany. The motto of this year’s conference is "Work 4.0 – Career Cultures in Transition".

    The opening keynotes will be delivered by Marianne Thyssen , EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility, Thomas Sattelberger , publicist, political consultant and former top executive, and Nadine Allen , Head of Customer Unit Industry & Society Western Central Europe at Ericsson.

    The program of the WoMenPower conference consists of some 35 workshops held under four overall categories: "Professional Responsibilities", "Leadership and Career", "Career and Life" and "Work in Transition". Individual topics include "Virtual Teams – Onsite and Long-distance Leadership" ( Katrin Ostermeier , KAOS Coaching & Training), "Career Strategy – Build Your Own Brand" ( Regina Mehler , Women Speaker Foundation), "Move Talk! Your Body Speaks Volumes" ( Mona Klare , klares*s coaching), "Avoiding Cultural Traps – Successfully Managing Intercultural Teams" ( Dagmar Klein , Prima Coaching) and "Digital Leadership – How the Digital Transition is Changing Leadership Techniques" ( Svenja Teichmann , crowdmedia GmbH, and Anita Merzbacher, NEWLEAD Unternehmensberatung GmbH).

    Beyond the sphere of prevailing national policies, many women are active in career networks and use the conference to get the latest picture on today’s career world, as well as a chance to share experience and perspectives with interested others. Following last year’s strong response, the Networking Night will again be staged on the eve of the conference, providing attendees with another rich opportunity to engage in mutually fruitful dialogue and expand one’s networks.

    The main sponsors of WoMenPower are Audi AG, the German Armed Forces, Ericsson, the HARTING Technology Group, the Robert Bosch Co., Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd and WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.

    The conference program is available for downloading at www.womenpower-kongress.de . Apart from presentations, seminars and workshops, WoMenPower also offers a supporting exhibition featuring more than 70 enterprises, associations, networks, organizations and trainers providing information on career prospects, surveys, coaching and mentoring opportunities as well as further work-related trends and topics.

    Attendees can register online as of 15 February at www.womenpower-kongress.de . Tickets are available for € 105 (standard admission) and € 25 for students.


    Ever since 2004, the WoMenPower conference – staged annually alongside HANNOVER MESSE in Hannover, Germany – has been exploring innovative approaches to achieving success and contentment in the career world. WoMenPower ranks as the world’s foremost conference for women in technical fields and offers fertile ground for networking and debate on career-related and social issues all along the work/life continuum.